Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Did you know? Apps aliases must be unique cross workspace

... and Oracle isn't checking it for you!


this is just a quick note. Seems logical, but YOU have to take care of it!

Recently I uploaded an APEX export file from an app that my colleague had created.
I just wanted to check something he had done, so I uploaded the application in my own workspace. That's a workspace I use to quickly check something or do some research on.
It is however on the same database that my colleague is using to develop this particular application. And his customer is actually looking at that environment as well during the development phase.

So I uploaded the the export file and installed the app, accepting all the defaults there are when you import and install an APEX app.
But what I didn't know, is that APEX is NOT changing the application alias. Something that is done when you import an app that got exported from the same workspace. I believe it adds the new application ID to the alias.

But since this app came from a different workspace, it nicely installed it with the existing alias, causing the original app to fail.

So I just wanted you to know ... I will never forget this. And you may learn from my mista ... well ... from my experience! ;-)

Happy to share!

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